Azafatas Alhambra

Congresses and conventions

Your congress or convention in the best hands

Experts in the management of

Azafatas Alhambra, an agency with over 25 years of experience, offers services in the management of congresses and events covering all needs in different areas such as staff, decoration and atmosphere.

We understand that each congress is unique, which is why we strive to meet our client’s needs and objectives. Our team of highly qualified professionals will ensure that both the planning and the execution are flawless.

Contact us and let us take your congress or convention to the next level. Together we will make your event a success and an unforgettable 360º experience for your attendees.

Azafatas Alhambra will respond to all your needs.

    Our activity includes the following steps in the process of organizing a congress:

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Planning the congress or event
Protocol of the event
Decoration and atmosphere
Auxiliary equipment in halls
Media coverage / press room

Booking and fitting out of rooms - Lunches and coffee breaks - Commercial displays - Credentials, leaflets, invitations - Public Relations

Planning the congress or event

Opening and closing ceremony - Reception and attention to guests and authorities - VIP lounge - Arrangement of tables - Placement of trays

Protocol of the event

Floral arrangements - Furnishings - Design and setting up of panels, posters, displays and signs

Decoration and atmosphere

Simultaneous interpreting equipment - Audiovisual and sound equipment

Auxiliary equipment in halls

Photographic sessions and audiovisuals - Press and publicity

Media coverage / press room

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Our customer is our priority

Attention to detail in this type of event is the best guarantee of success

Make sure your event is perfect in every detail

estrellas azafatas alhambra


That’s why we make sure the visitor experience is complete, including:


  • Gifts and customized details
  • Gala dinners
  • Organization of golf tournaments, shows, etc.
  • Closing events
  • Transfers, guided tours, etc.
100 Aniversario ALSA alhambra eventos congresos scaled

Visit our work!

Discover the events and congresses we have organized, you will love it!

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We also have... Complementary Services


And this is not all! Check out all the additional services we offer:


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    Now it's your turn

    We will be happy to help you

    estrellas azafatas alhambra






    Acto entrega banderas Andalucia 24 feb 23 28