Azafatas Alhambra

Concerts and events

Professional Concert and Show Management

Do you need staff to manage

Organizing a concert or show is no easy task, which is why you should rely on professionals with extensive knowledge and experience to manage such large-scale live events.

Azafatas Alhambra offers staff for concerts and shows in different types of venues, such as: auditoriums, theatres, concert halls, multi-purpose halls, congress centres, sports centres, etc.

Everything we can do for you :

  • Access control
  • Informing the public
  • Handing out programmes
  • Cloakroom attendants
  • Checking entrance tickets
  • Ushering members of the public to their seats
  • Room surveillance functions
  • Evacuation plan

At Azafatas Alhambra we supervise at all times the actions carried out by the staff who manage and organize our different events and concerts.

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Advantages of hiring Azafatas Alhambra

The management of concerts and events offers numerous advantages for both organizers and participants: 

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Positive feedback

A well-planned and organized event or concert makes a difference and generates a positive user experience, as the visitor enjoys live performances without worries.   

Boosting tourism

Well-managed events attract visitors from other cities or even other countries.

Promotion of artists and talents

Well-organized concerts and events are the ideal platform to promote emerging artists and local talents.

Avoiding future incidents

A good organization of the staff assigned to each space and training in aspects such as room surveillance or evacuation plans can prevent possible incidents.

Networking opportunities

The success of good management can expand the possibility of generating greater contacts and networking with industry professionals that can lead to future partnerships and agreements.

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In the hands of the best professionals

At Azafatas Alhambra we work with experts in the management of this type of events. The staff is selected according to a specific profile depending on the target audience. Our highest priorities are:

Good appearance
Communication skills
Ease for human relations
High sensitivity
Dynamism and proactiveness



Good appearance

Communication skills

Ease for human relations

High sensitivity


Dynamism and proactiveness

They have already organized their concerts and events with us:

The spaces in which we have provided services are:

Visit our work!

Discover the events and congresses we have organized, you will love it!

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We also have... Complementary Services


And this is not all! Check out all the additional services we offer:


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Acto entrega banderas Andalucia 24 feb 23 28 2048x1363 1

    Now it's your turn

    We will be happy to help you

    estrellas azafatas alhambra






    Acto entrega banderas Andalucia 24 feb 23 28